via Twitter account - common issues

Today I integrate my application with Twitter and user now can sign-in by their Twitter account. It’s not so hard with support of the libraries Microsoft.Owin.Security.Twitter or Owin.Security.Providers. Beside, there are some issues soonly happens.

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An easy and safe way to upgrate application's data

When upgrating an application to a newer version, it often requires to migrate its data (including delete/update some entities, add some new entities / configurations). At development phase, we often need to build some sample data for dev / test environments and reference data for production environment. DataUp comes to simplify this work, it was inspired by EF migrations & DbUp.

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Start using Octopus to deploy apps

This post explains all steps needed to install, work with Octopus Deploy that I have passes through. After some short of investigations, it’s really nice and should be in hands of .NET developers / production engineers.

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Empty folder issues on AppHarbor

I got an issue when deploying an application to AppHarbor cloud Platform regarding empty folder (!). It is a serious one because the application crash after deployment even with a experimental project.

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Asynchronous programming with example

Asynchronous programming will help us improve performance and responsiveness of the app. The new architecture containing async and await keywords does almost difficult job and let developers write code similarly to synchronous code.

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WCF Messaging Patterns

This post is about Messaging Patterns provided by WCF that I have learnt. It includes one-way, request/reply, streaming, and duplex communication.

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Xml document processing

XML is widely used in many applications and if familiar with it will be so helpful in coding activity. In this post we will go through a common scenario which produces string repsentation of a XmlDocument then you will see different methods with different behaviors they produce.

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Working with WCF Data Service

This post will drive you to create WCF Data Service and how to use it in your client application. A Windows Console application will be created to comsume the service by using its proxy. For Web application, it can be called by activating URL with HTTP method.

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iOnline - Creating a layer diagram

To show how the application is layering and what it looks like, a layer diagram is best to visualize major components and dependencies using by code. It also helps us keep the code to satisfy with the design.

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iOnline - application requirements

I have involved in building a web application that deployed on a could platform using different database system from SQL to NoSQL database system. I will share here all steps we did to make it running.

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Applying DI / IoC into ASP.NET MVC project using Autofac

My website is up and running well even it has not been implemented any dependency injection container. The result as this moment is that if a service has a dependency, it depends on the dependency implementation, they are coupling. A better design is that the service should depend on dependency’s abstraction. So I will apply Dependency Injection and bring a DI container into it.

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SerializationMaster - Work with serialization easier

This package has created to isolate serialization progress from depending on any serialization implementation. It provides extension methods to serialize / de-serialize any object at any layer of your application. You only need to configure one time at application entry point.

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Activate HTTPS on Azure Website

My story is that the website deployed on Azure needs to have Disqus function… It should be trivial because Disqus provide a nice plugin and just some simple configuration steps are required. It’s nothing but https is required. It impires me to create a new attribute called RequireHttpsInProductionAttribute.

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Understanding MVC / MVP / MVVM and the differences

Some helpful articles about all 3 patterns above. There are many links on the internet talking about these patterns but we do not need to read most of them, it may give you some confusion because each author explains in a different manner.

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Creating cache services instead of providers

The Provider Model is common in .NET Framework as we might know some like RoleProvider, ProfileProvider, MembershipProvider and so on. I want have something similar for cache, my application can switch to a different cache system just by changing some configuration element. So Provider Model seems a good approach to follow.

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Secure configuration values on Azure

If an application will be deployed on Azure we can secure sensitive application settings (include AppSettings and ConnectionStrings) easily with just a little work for doing configuration and nothing is required to change on code.

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Use Redis on Azure for caching

Redis is a suppoer fast NoSQL data store, it can be used to cache our very high loaded data. This article will show in detail how to setup and configure Redis Cache on Azure and its usage.

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How to implement pagination on ASP.NET MVC4

Pagination !!! This task is very common as almost application requires pagination when listing data. So how is a good direction to complete this task? I did it again today and below is how it has been completed.

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Using rawgit cdn on github repository

When our public repository is not popular enough to be hosted on any CDN service, we can still reference to github url not needed to host it privately on the server get it locally on the server and having CDN benifit as usual (performance, bandwidth…)

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Components on for this blog

This blog was forked from JekyllNow with basic features. Some other features should be added to make the site richer in term of communication, content formatting… And below is some of them that I am thinking of.

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Why should use NuGet for references

I worked on a task to review references on all projects of a product. I saw many points to be improved and made alot of changes to make the code cleaner, easier to maintain, having better architect by applying abstraction, convert third-party dependencies to first-party… This is not only a pure coding task but also it requires code review & analysis, understanding on abstraction, architecture, design patterns and best practices.

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