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SerializationMaster - Work with serialization easier

This package has created to isolate serialization progress from depending on any serialization implementation. It provides extension methods to serialize / de-serialize any object at any layer of your application. You only need to configure one time at application entry point.


The easiest way to reference this package is using Package Manager Console, using this command:

Install-Package Rabbit.SerializationMaster.

Here is NuGet Package location.

Build-in functions


To serialize an object to string, just do it as below after added reference Rabbit.SerializationMaster

var result = source.Serialize();


To de-serialize a string back to object, just do it as below after added reference Rabbit.SerializationMaster

var entity = result.Deserialize<DataItem>();


To make above functions working, at application entry point you must do a little configuration such as:


The SerializationType can be one of below values:

  1. Use Base64 strategy

This way your object will be converted to base64string. The type of your object must be decorated with a Serializable attribute.

Example this Address type

    public class Address
        public string Street { get; set; }
        public int Number { get; set; }
  1. Use DataContractJson strategy

The result string will have json format. This strategy internally wraps DataContractJsonSerializer class to serialize/deserialize your object.

  1. Use Xml strategy

The result string will have xml format. This strategy internally wraps XmlSerializer class to serialize/deserialize your object.

Source code

If you are interested in its source, please take a look on GitHub repository

Written on September 8, 2015
