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Getting started with Azure Storage

In this post I will share my little POC on Azure Cloud Storage including Blob / Queue. There are other ones like DocumentDB / Azure Tables / SQL Database, I had worked with but another post will cover these parts later. All code samples can be found in this repository on github

##The requirements

So we will cover below points about Azure Storage


  • Upload a file to server, store the file in Azure Blob

  • Create Blob Containers

  • List all Containers

  • List all files (blobs) by a Container


  • Create new queue

  • Add new messages to the queue

  • Process all messages in the queue (peek the message, process it and stored into an Append Blob, delete message)

##Set up a project

You can create a blank MVC project then install this package WindowsAzure.Storage (current version is 5.0.2).

Go to Azure Portal to get Account Name, Account Key to build connection string. This is an example


##Creating client

To work with any Azure Storage service, below steps are required

  • Parse connection string to CloudStorageAccount

  • Create a client, for Azure Blob it is CloudBlobClient, and CloudQueueClient is for Azure Queue…

##Work with Blob

Below is Blob service concepts


To store any files to Blob, we must manage to create containers then blobs will be added in each.

  • Block blob has 200GB limit.
  • Append blob is similar to Block blobs and is optimized for append operations.
  • Page blobs ha 1TB limit, is more efficient for frequent read/write operations.

For details, this link has described them. Below are some scenarios on Blobs

List all containers

        var containers = _blobClient.ListContainers(detailsIncluded: ContainerListingDetails.Metadata);
        var containersDict = containers.ToDictionary(x => x.Uri, x => x.Name);

Get all blobs in a container

        var container = _blobClient.GetContainerReference(uri);
        var blobs = container.ListBlobs(useFlatBlobListing: true);

Result of the ListBlobs method are a collection of IListBlobItem but it will actually be one of these concrete types BlockBlob, AppendBlob, PageBlob.

Upload data to blob

This code does upload a file stream from HttpPostedFileBase to a blob.

            var container = _blobClient.GetContainerReference(DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyy-MM"));
            var blob = container.GetBlockBlobReference(string.Format("{0}_{1}", DateTime.Now.ToFileTime(), fileName));

##Work with Queue

For detail, you can refer to this document with deep information.

Add message to the Queue

  • We must ensure the queue exists before working with, below is an example

          var cloudQueue = _queueClient.GetQueueReference(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM"));
  • Then we can freely add any message into it

          var newMessage = new Message()
              CreatedAt = DateTime.Now,
              Content = "A sample message"
          cloudQueue.AddMessage(new CloudQueueMessage(newMessage.Serialize()));

newMessage.Serialize() is an extension method provided by Rabbit.SerializationMaster framework. You can use strategies included in that package, or you can install an concrete implementation such as Rabbit.SerializationMaster.ServiceStack. They’re available on

Process messages in the queue

To adapt the requirements, we will need to:

  1. Get the next message in the queue
  2. If there is any, process the message. Otherwise, ends the loop.
  3. Add the result by appending to another Append Blob
  4. Delete message from the queue
  5. Continue step 1

Below is completed code for all above steps

        // Get the queue on Azure
        var cloudQueue = _queueClient.GetQueueReference(name);

        // Prepare an Append Blob
        var container = _blobClient.GetContainerReference(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM"));

        var blob = container.GetAppendBlobReference("Messages");
        if (!blob.Exists())

        while (true)
            // Peek a message
            var queueMessage = cloudQueue.PeekMessage();
            if (queueMessage == null)

            // Process the message
            var message = queueMessage.AsString.Deserialize<Message>();
            message.ProcessedAt = DateTime.Now;

            // Append to a storage

            // Delete message from the queue
            queueMessage = cloudQueue.GetMessage();


Written on September 24, 2015
